Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The 25 Days of Christmas!

I don't know how it happened, but its here. Every year without warning that little bugger just creeps up behind you and WHAM! Its Christmas. I love Christmas, I always have, even though I do hit a bout of depression for the week following. It always happens, not sure why. Anyhoo, My Hubby and I have decided to watch something "Christmassy" Every day leading up to the main event. There are so many great, corney, crazy movies and shows to choose from I figured I would keep track on here. And its a way to force me to write, as you can see from my last post, I've been asleep for a few months! Now, we decided this Thanksgiving night while we were overdosed with Turkey and stuffing so we started then, but for the life of us we can't remember what we watched that night. That'll teach you to attempt a sandwich the size of Ryan Seacrest after you spent the whole day eating! Anyway Today is the First so I guess officially it starts now, even though we have already watched Fred Clause (awful don't even need to comment on it except it has a great cast that all fails together as a team.) Christmas Claymation (a childhood favorite to be touched upon later) The 12 men of Christmas (A feel good lifetime movie where a New York Exec - Kristen Chenoweth - looses everything and is forced to move to middle of nowhere blah blah blah realizes there's more to life than money, falls in love with Grayson from Cougar Town. Good Cheesy Stuff. Except Miss Anna Clumpsky, man she is one awful actress.) Saw 10 minutes of some awful lifetime movie with good ol' Joe from "Facts of Life" Will NOT be finishing that one. And then Last night we watched one of our absolute favorites. Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer. Classic. And will most likely appear on this list again closer to Christmas. What more could you want? Blood thirsty monsters, abusive adult figures, gay misunderstood dentists. It screams Christmas. Anyway I will make updates every few days of all the amazing, cheesy, terrifying Christmas Goodness that We watch. And if you have any suggestions please let us know!! Ho Ho Ho!

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