All Of The Embarrassment, Joy, Wonder, Confusion And Beautiful Utter Chaos That Is My Life... Mixed In With Some Travel, Photos, Design And A Sale On Low Carb Bread!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Buyer's Remorse?
No. No, no, no, no. But really?? Okay so we have owned the house for less than a week! And we spent our first night in the house on a blow up mattress. And now that the keys are in our hands and it's no one's problem but our own... The truth comes out.
We have a MASSIVE infestation of HUGE ASS black hornets with long yellow legs!! They have made nests all over the house and are getting in every nook and cranny, and this house has allot believe me! And my big strong husband has one fear in life, can you guess what that is? When we were first dating he threw me down a flight of deck stairs to avoid a bumblebee. This is his worst nightmare, it's as if we bought a giant hive! There are also signs of carpenter ants and sugars ants are marching along without a care in the world in our kitchen and shed (where something may have died in the walls) The part that really pisses me off is New Hampshire is a full disclosure state. The exterminators said it was clear this was a massive problem and has been for some time but was never taken care of. NO MENTION of that in our disclosure. I'm itchin' to sue! Exterminator $385.00 Plus $105 3X a year for upkeep. Cost of roof and hole repair TBD
It was pouring rain when we moved (of course) so Pete went to throw his clothes into the dryer and within 30 seconds it sounded like the 4 horses of the Apocalypse and the smell of burning plastic filled the air. New washer & Dryer $1350.
Now that all of the furniture and gorgeous antiques have been removed from the property, it's clear that the whole house needs a good paint job. Something I was really hoping we could slide by on. I mean we were definitely going to cover the pink in the living room, because no one should have to live like that. But everything else seemed to be okay. But now the beer goggles are off and it's apparent that painting must happen. Paint & Supplies for the kitchen, dining room and living room SO FAR $365.00 Rest of house TBD.
It's okay though. I am a Graycar and We Slovaks thrive on these financial challenges! I had set a budget of about $10,000 for EVERYTHING including the generator, wood stove and ride on more that we will inevitably need. Not much wiggle room left over. And we still need basically EVERYTHING as far as furniture goes! So I will have to start cutting coupons and hunting around in the discount shelves at TJMaxx and Homegoods! Craigslist here I come, Ima rape your furniture section! Right now I'm confident, but a few hours ago I was ready to put the house back on the market.
new house,
tjmaxx homegoods
Thursday, April 21, 2011
It's Official!!
On Wednesday April 20th around noon, Peter and I became official home owners!! After what seemed like endless paper work and a "who's who" of everyone we had ever talked to in the past 3 months, it was a done deal and the keys were in our hands! There was a brief moment where I was completely 100% debt free. Then I signed the last paper and became deeper in debt than I ever imagined haha But it's a different kind of debt, It's an investment and it's all ours!! We went back to our home with a pizza and a bottle of champagne and ran around screaming "It's ours! It's ours!" Then we played a game of "try to find me". Then we just sat and marveled at this big empty house. Oh the freedom from drug dealing neighbors and convict landlords!! The freedom to paint our walls purple or cover the floor in Mexican ceramic tile!! The possibilities are endless. But one thing is for sure, this is a new chapter in our lives! Hell, it's a new book! I'm ending a ten year career, moving to a new state and taking on a whole house full of problems!! And I can't wait!
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