Sophia Elizabeth
What can I say Sophie, you are incredible! You have more energy than any child I have ever known! And not the bouncing off the wall kind of energy! The energy that has direction. You are totally bored unless you are busy 100% of the time. You are definitely going to be one of those "24 usable hours in a day people" Gross. Just kidding honey. Between your singing, acting, soccer, lacrosse, friends... You are like the energizer bunny you just keep on going and you do it with a smile. You are one of the kindest people I have ever met. You are the first to help out when needed and the first to make friends with anyone. I can always count on you Sophie for whatever I need, I would have been lost without you! I'm going to miss all of our drawing time and the talks we would have, I always felt like I could tell you anything. You're an old soul Sophie, I think all of you kids are. Thank you for always making me feel special, you were always the first to say good morning and good bye and you always made me feel like such a good cook! Keep singing Sophie, your voice brings so much joy to people. I love you honey.

Gabriel Alexander

Astrid Kay
Astrid you came in blazing to a family of already awesome kids. You had huge shoes to fill and I must say you have exceeded everyone's expectations. It's hard to be the following act to someone like Gabriel but you have bowled the world over with your heart and huge personality! You are my lil' pickle. You are spunky and feisty and you know what you want or DON'T want for that matter. For the first year of your life all you did was laugh and throw up, sometimes in reverse order. One day the throw up stopped but the laughter never did. You are such an amazing little girl and I KNOW you are going to do great things. My little fashionista and shopper. With your outfit changes, "Fancy shoes" and love for clothing catalogues you are a goober after my own heart. I'm sure I had a hand it though : ) From day one you had a larger than life personality, you LOVE to make people laugh and you HATE when you don't get your way. You are the cleanest one of the whole crew and because of this crew you are so strong and independent. With Gabriel in kindergarten this last year was really just you and me babe. I am so grateful for all of our time together. I love you to the Moon and Back Astrid. Forever and ever and ever...

It has been a honor getting to be part of this family. I have always wanted to be a mother but being with these children has really solidified that for me. They are the poster children for why people should have kids. I know it's not the end and they will always be in my life, But this is the end of an era and I can't help but feel empty inside. Thank you for letting me in to your lives. Thank you for showing me true, unbiased, unadulterated love. Thank you for giving me the BEST job anyone could ever ask for. And thank you for helping me become who I am today. I love you all so much and always will.