Christmas is when I miss Jim the most. I still remember when I found out the day he died. I was working on a short story about my guinie pig in Mrs, Lawless's 3rd grade class. It was a sad day. Luckily we can all feel his magic through our furry little friends the Muppets. My childhood would have been VERY different without them, in fact I think my whole life would be different with out the joy and wisdom they have provided me. Every Christmas my sister and I watch The Muppet Family Christmas. Its not only one of my favorite Christmas Movies, but a favorite muppet movie in general because they bring in all the big guns! Muppets, Sesame Street AND The Fraggles, it can't be beat. But alas this year we won't be watching out for the icey patch or routing for big bird to get away from the Sweedish Chef. Her only copy is from Japan and her fancy dancy DVD player broke. It's like Jim has died all over again. Sigh.

Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas!! This is one of my all time favorites! I used to sing the song at the end at the top of my lungs in my room, convinced I would be in a Broadway Production of it. Emmet and Ma are just about the cutest muppets ever made, next to PePe of course. Ever since Pa died they have had to sell theur things and work every job possible just to survive. But Dammit they have heart! So when the town puts on a talent competition with a top prize of $50 they risk everything for the chance of winning. It probably wouldn't be hard except for The Riverbottom Gang and their leader Chuck. A bunch of street toughs with killer electrical instruments and a fish tank in their car! What will happen to Ma and Emmet?? You'll have to watch it because its one of THE BEST Christmas movies AND Muppet Movies out there! And you'll want to put the little frog mayor in your pocket he is so damn adorable! "Our World Says Welcome Stranger, everybody's A friend, Favorite Stories Don't End. Welcome Brother To Our World." Ima sing that song all day!
Now when Jim died, the soul of the muppets died with him. try as they might, they will never be the same. In the past years there have been some real crappy excuses for Muppet Movies. A Very Merry Muppet Movie is one that rides the fence. It has all the guidlines of a muppet movie; snappy music, quippy responses, celebrity guests and a happy ending. But its missing that UMPH that made the Muppets so Magical. That being said, this movie did give us one of God's finest creations... Peppy The King Prong. This sexy little shrimp has sanced his way into my favorite muppets list. He has a fabulous Spanish accent, a lust for the ladies and he is so freaking cute I could eat him. He ends 90% of his sentences with "okay" and is constantly messing up the names of things. Without Peppy, this movie would not be worth seeing. Joan Cusack plays the bad guy well, she is trying to shut down the Muppets theatre and turn it into a nightclub. She plays Peppy like a Spanish Flute to get the information she needs. Kermit and the muppets are trying everything they can and losing hope. So David Arquette, who really should find another day job, plays an angel that begs God - played by Whoopi Goldberg, to help out kermit. Its very "It's a wonderful life" and there are some good moments. But just looking at Whoopi gives me a migrane and the story isnt as solid as it could be. But I Can not get enough of that Saucey lil' prawn, okay?