See you can't just add "Twice Upon" to continue something. But if Kathy Ireland can do it, so can I. Now where were we? Ah yes. Made for TV Cheese. As much as I love that ones that are so awful they are fabulous, I really love the ones that actually get me to cry. That's what they are all going for and every once in a while they actually succeed in telling an honest genuine story of love or hope. In The Christmas Hope Patricia and Mark Addison are struggling in their marriage after the loss of their teenage son to a car accident. Patricia is a social worker and day in and day out has to place children in foster and state homes. One night right before Christmas a little girl named Emily finds out her mother is not coming home because she was hit by a car. It's so close to the holidays that they can't find her a foster home and her dead beat uncle just wants an insurance check, so Patricia takes her into her home until she can find a place for Emily. Meanwhile Ian Ziering (Yup) is a Doctor and he and his prego wife are going through old junk and finds a small wrapped gift that he thought he had lost. A few years ago a teenage boy came into his OR and dropped it as he was being rushed to surgery. It was the first patient he ever lost and he vowed to give that gift to the boys parents. Seeing a connection?? Anyway I can't give it away because I really do recommend this one. The acting is honest (Even Ian) The sentiment is real and it definitely brought some tears. But most of all it does what these cheesy specials are supposed to; make you feel the spirit of Christmas and reflect on how grateful you are for friends and family. Oh the mother's special gift will kill you!

Nobody Puts Baby In Corner!! But you CAN give her a nose job and put her in a Christmas Lifetime movie with an ending like NO OTHER made for TV movie out there I can assure you! The Road To Christmas stars Jennifer Grey and that cute guy from the TV show with Elaine from Sienfeld! Its the story of Claire who is a fashion photographer about to get married to a billionaire Italian guy that EVERYONE warns her about. There are some fun little parts like the models and the nail lady all telling stories of how Italian men have scorned them. It really sets you up for what you KNOW is going to happen. A snow storm hits and Claire can't get to Colorado. She is desperate and takes planes trains and trucks filled with immegrents in an attempt to get there. Finally she ends up hitching a ride with Tom and his daughter Hilly, who Obvisously lost the woman in their life. OBVISOULSY. So they have a wacky road trip filled with fights and car problems and craziness and somewhere between here and there a little sumthin sumthin starts to spark between Claire and Tom. Eventually Tom gets Claire to her fiance in time for the wedding and WHAM! A christmas movie first.... You'll have to watch it to find out the dirt! Jennifer Grey does a great job, I mean she had 20 years to prepare for it so Im not surprised.
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