So as luck would have it, our new landlord has turned out to be a wife beating, lying crook. Yup, it's true. After our last insane, rug wearing psycho of a landlord in Belmont I thought for sure there was no way it could be worse. I was wrong. It all came to the surface back in October when the down stairs neighbor's oil tank burst. Instead of fixing the problem, like any normal person would, our landlord starting to weave a web of lies and procrastination that eventually after 2 months got the best of us. We were forced to pay the heating bills of the other neighbors and were left with a stinking, old oil tank leaking against our furnace. Not cool. Not safe. After a ridiculous amount of pleads and second, third and fourth chances we finally had to go to the fire department to see what could be done. Well from there all hell broke loose! The police got involved and blah blah blah turns out we are renting from a mad man who has a not so pretty rap sheet. So what do we do? Our dream was to buy a house in Portland Maine. But there are no jobs there for us now. We don't want to buy a house In Boston because neither one of us want to be here anymore and the thought of throwing away thousands of dollars to a crook for renting another shit hole is enough to turn my hair gray. We were stuck. But then it came to us... New Hampshire! I went to college in New Hampshire and loved it, but never, not once did I ever think I would be looking for a house there! Outside of Keene, New Hampshire seemed scary. A world of NASCAR, Hunting and second cousins marrying each other. A World of toothless men with shot guns on front porches and Pregnant woman in half shirts at bars. It was our dear friends Margaret and Bill Clifford that swayed the vote. They live in a small town outside of Portsmouth and Love it! Bill had been trying to convince us to head up that way "Live Free Or Die" or whatever those hicks say! But as time went on and we spent more and more time up there, the Portsmouth area really started to grow on us! We would get Waaaaay more bang for our buck, tons of land, close to the ocean, cut an hour and half off our Squirrel ride and Portsmouth is actually a pretty kick ass town. Pete and I are always up for an adventure. We survived a honeymoon in India, I think we can handle living in new Hampshire. So its been decided. All we need now are a few shot guns, something John Deer made and one of those belly shirts with the tassels and beads - For Pete of course. New Hampshire here we come!

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